Anyway, Friday morning rolled around and after much finger-crossing, I was feeling a lot better and determined to go! Mum had her doubts, but after making me promise not to run into any trees, dropped me off at Sally's. Jammed in the car with Sally, her husband Michael, daughters Emi & Jordan and another girl from dancing Brittany, we set off on our road trip. No sooner had we gotten out of Penrith did Jordan ask "How long til we get there?" I had to laugh. However we soon distracted her with a Bratz DVD and there wasn't another peep until lunch time.
Finally we arrived at our rental house in Adaminaby (yeah, I have no idea where that is either!) which was cosy despite the retro 70's style decor! The only downside? It slept 10, and the only bathroom was located off what was to become mine and Brittany's room! So no matter how quiet people tried to be, we usually got woken up numerous times during the night.
It was pretty cold and later that night it began to snow! I was so excited. I'd never seen snow fall from the sky before! It was cool. Amidst the excitement Michael's brother George, his wife Belinda and their girls Jessica and April arrived. April was just the cutest thing ever and was an endless source of entertainment!
With all these people, you can see how the bathroom predicament got a little crazy!
To make matters worse on Saturday, our planned skiing day, Jordan woke up with a fever and vomiting bug, poor thing. However she toughed it out and we pulled on all our rented ski gear (all my stuff was pink, to my delight!) and headed for Mt Selwyn. After the half hour drive we made it and trekked through the parking lot to the snow fields. The men were sent off to buy ski tickets and the kids (including yours truly) had a snowball fight. Finally it was off to the ski slopes where I realised I wasn't sure I remembered exactly how to ski. Last year Michael taught me, but this year he had his hands full with Brittany, who had never skiied before. Fortunately I managed to figure it out for myself and I very cautiously went down the baby run.
However that meant I had to get on the chairlift and I always seem to have issues with this. Very clumsily, I made it safely on and managed to get off again. I'm sure I looked ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as when I attempted to catch the tow-bar up the mountain. This was a motorised lift like a chair lift- but without the chair! Instead it had like a round seat you lean- not sit!- on but you must stay standing up and lean forward to let it pull you up. I'm hoping you get a sense of the difficulty involved here. Of course everyone makes it look so easy, so I'm thinking yeah, no sweat, I'm a dancer, I've got balance, I can do this! Yeah right! I stacked it not once, not twice, but three times! The third time I was so close to the end and before I knew it I was on my butt again. You'd think I'd fall over in the process of actually skiing, but oh no, it was getting the lifts to the top of the mountain that ended with me on my butt.
By far the funniest "stack" occurred when Brittany and I attempted to use the t-bar to get to the top of one of the bigger hills. By this time we had employed a mantra of "let's just do it!" and thought we were pretty cool too! The t-bar, not to be confused with the more tame tow-bar which had me holding up the queue with my endless falls, requires 2 people to sit/lean on a t-shaped thing which pulls you up the mountain. Again, everyone in front of us made it look effortless. The first time we were rockstars and made it up the top without incident. Well that is if you can call Brittany screaming everytime her skis hit a bump and me commentating everytime the t-bar inched lower down our legs. I'm hoping you get an image here. Two beginner skiiers, going up this quite steep slope, basically freaking out. Getting the life up the slopes was scarier than actually skiing down it!!! We thought we had the hang of it however, until we attempted to go up a second time. Neither of us knows what happened, but before long Brittany and I ended up in a tangled mess of ourselves, boots, skis, stocks and the t-bar. I don't know if anyone has any experience with this, but it's quite hard to get up wearing skis. It's especially hard when you've got twenty people gawking at you as they wait in line and every so often more skiiers come past looking so high and mighty as they successfully ride the t-bar right on past us.
Despite our mishaps, we had an absolute ball and I was an absolute champion skiier, so much better than last time even if I do say so myself!
The next day was home time, but not before we scoured Koszciousku National Park for a decent hill to go toboganning. We found one and wasted no time getting into all our ski gear and climbing the hill before whizzing down to the very bottom. Emi had a great time giving her parents a heart attack as she trekked to the top of the hill and launched herself down it, ending up out of sight and needing rescuing from Brittany when she landed in a creek! That kid never got tired of climbing up the hill, unlike Brittany and I, who lasted and hour and half before calling it a day and racing with April and Emi respectively in our laps.
The whole weekend was a blast and as soon as I finally learnt how to post pictures on my blog you can see some of it for yourselves.