Where were we?
Last time you heard from me, I was in the middle of the 40 Hour Famine. Well, I finished it! I thought hours 16-18 were tough at the time, but it was really hours 25-27 that nearly killed it for me. I ended up having to abandon the sleepover we had planned at school and go and sleep in my own bed. Sometimes you just need to, you know?
Anyway, I made it to Hour 40.
And then I celebrated by having a huge beef burger, chips and lemonade an hour later.
Followed by Nutella and Peanut Butter flavoured gelato
:) :)
Is there any better way to break your 40 hour charity fast? I think not.
I totally meant to take photos of the weekend, but the hunger got to me and I forgot about anything else except my empty stomach. Although I did end up doing a lot of my Primary Maths & Numeracy assignment, which was a total bonus! We had "rooms" throughout the building which were dedicated to certain activities- the movie room, the games console (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii) room, the chill out room (complete with white noise machine) and yes, the study room for all of us dedicated uni students.
If we had to go without food, the least we could do was entertain ourselves throughout the process!
Anyway, I digress (again). That was two weekends ago. This past weekend was fabulous, full of fun and sunshine. I had just finished a crazy week at uni (all the Education students referred to it as 'The Week From Hell' because we had so many assessments due) that reached its peak when I came home on Thursday night only to discover that part of my Primary English & Literacy assignment, that I had done DAYS in advance, had simply.disappeared.vanished.gone.completely.
As you do, if you were a lowly Word document.
Needless to say, there was lots of frustration, venting and crying from yours truly, until I admitted to myself that I should probably start writing it all over again, seeing as it was due Friday night. The unfairness of it all still gets to me, and I shall never know whether my computer really did literally 'lose the plot' or if I just failed to save it.
(But wouldn't I have gotten a "Would you like to save message" when I closed the program? I'm a smart girl, I would have clicked "Yes". Unless the WFH - Week From Hell, had gotten to me so badly that I just clicked "No" in a valiant attempt at telling the world "Stop the ride, I want to get off!")
Writing that line just made me think of one of my favourite songs from the band MercyMe
"If it came to a stop, and someone let me off I know I would just get right back in line."
True. Very true.
Of course I survived the WFH, and promptly told my mum that I needed to spend Saturday with some kids. So I grabbed my godson and his sister, and took them to the Penrith Show for a few hours.
Sunshine + kids + carnival rides = JOY
And I felt all the more better for it. Pictures to come, of course.
Fast forward to this week, and I am currently one day into a week-long prac with my adopted Year 2 class. Today I taught my first ever whole class lesson and it was AWESOME! My lesson was on Maths (parallel lines) and I decided to make it fun and incorporate Visual Arts into it by getting the kids to draw parallel lines on a big A3 sheet of paper and then use diluted pain to brush over it, creating a crayon resist painting. I did show the class one I had "prepared earlier", but I let them do their own thing, and the results were fantastic!
2J is now the home of some multicoloured, stripey artworks that also happen to be rockin' some parallel lines.
And what's the point of teaching fun stuff like this if you can't do it yourself?
I present to you, my masterpiece: