Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Mum!
Last year for her birthday I made a little collage of photos of her and I beginning from when I was a baby. You can see it here.
Happy Birthday to the best mother anyone could ever have! Hope you have a great day Mum.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
What 3 single day visits and a full week of being on prac have taught me includes:
- never try to assume what kids will do. Sometimes they will have no idea what you're talking about, and other times they'll blow you away with their creativity and insightfulness.
- be prepared for sweetness (eg. being brought a handmade cinnamon scroll) and the complete opposite (eg. a child slamming their fists on the desk when you correct one tiny thing)
- lecturers know their stuff, there really can be seven years difference in ability within the one class.
- similarly, you as a teacher really need to know your stuff, because if you're teaching it, you better believe the kids will ask you every type of question about it.
- nothing goes to plan. It's a miracle if it does.
- the school day is full of interruptions. Just when you get started, you're almost inevitably distracted.
- you can go into a class with all sorts of expectations, and some kids will meet them, some kids will go above and beyond and some kids won't at all. But not for a lack of enthusiasm.
- be nice to the kids and they'll (usually) be nice back.
- you're only as good of a teacher as the relationship you have with the students.
- teaching is a team sport. Other teachers are your assistant coaches.
- contrary to popular belief, the school day DOES NOT end at 3 o'clock when the bell rings. At least not for the teacher, anyway!
- it's impossible to get everything right, but you keep on trying.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Weekend fun
On Saturday I went to an engagement party for two of my friends from school and church, Polly and Alex. I was feeling better, but still sick. They had a champagne brunch, but needless to say I steered clear of the alcohol! I think I would have been on the floor if I'd had any, thanks to the combination of sickness and tiredness!
This is how I spent most of it- tissues at the ready!
We did manage to snap one nice photo though- if you don't look at my red nose too much!
Here's Keisha, me, Polly & Claryse at the party.
That night, a younger girl from our church had her 18th birthday party, so we all saw each other again later. The theme for the party was cocktail and black tie, which was lots of fun because it's not often that I get the chance to really dress up! It was great to see everyone in their fancy clothes too.
It was a beautiful night, great weather for a party outside, but I only stayed a few hours because I started to feel feverish and sick again. It seemed a bit of a shame to waste my hair and makeup efforts on just a few hours at a party, but it was still fun to go out and see everyone.
Here are all the people that went from our church- the birthday girl is at the top left.
And then on Sunday... I slept in!
What I Wore
(Taking a full shot of yourself is hard! So take no notice of my lack of photography skills here!)
In no particular order, except the sequential days of the week, I present to you...
What I Wore On Prac