Let me show you!
This is not my classroom, but it is the classroom that I'm in for my four week block of prac.
Because it's a kindergarten room, it's very colourful, with lots of the kids' work up on the walls.
I could bore you with a whole lot of talk about how research has found that classrooms where the kids' work is up on display leads to a more engaged class with higher success rates in learning...
I could also tell you that the Creative Arts (music, dance, drama and visual arts) have been found to correlate with success more so than either academia, sports or community involvement. All the more reason for letting your kids be creative and put up their art in the classroom!
So of course there's lots of artwork up in the room!
And my own creation... You always have to make a prototype to show the kids how to do it!
We made these animal habitats on paper a few days ago- the green one is a lilypad, the pink one is a nest and the red one is a tree!
We've also been doing some work on Japan - here are the koi fish the kids made with me!
Naturally, we do a lot of counting. Here's our counting by tens caterpillar!
These Rainbow Fish we made after reading the Rainbow Fish story book.