Friday, June 24, 2011

Birthday Party

Last weekend I invited a few friends over to celebrate my 23rd birthday.

I had grand plans of baking all this incredible food... but since it was my first week teaching at school, it didn't really pan out that way!

Mum & I ended up doing a run down to a local bulk food store and stocking up on lots of yummy food like this instead!

The food table- all the flowers were given to me on the day of my birthday! Two kids from my class gave me hand cut flowers from their gardens, which I put in the vases on the left and right.

Me and my best buds- Claryse, Keisha, Elise & Laura

Opening presents

I'm laughing in this photo because Laura bought me a giant porcelain piggy bank to encourage me to start saving now I'm earning decent money as a full time teacher!

My mum surprised me by secretly ordering a cake- I had no idea until the day of the party! Even better, it was a gluten free choc hazelnut cake with macaroons- and it tasted just like Nutella! Yum.

Everyone had a great night- we played pool and sang along to the karaoke that was on MTV and danced like idiots and stayed up talking til the wee hours!

Friday, June 17, 2011

It's my birthday

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Birthday Week!

It's Monday the 13th June... which means it's the start of what I like to call "Birthday Week!"

In my opinion, a birthDAY is just not enough.

Hence, in high school, I came up with Birthday Week. It's a whole 5 days of excitement and countdown to the actual day.

My birthday is on Friday. I love birthdays.

Let the countdown begin!