I am feeling much better thankyouverymuch.
My appetite is almost back to normal, and I am back at uni, work, PAC, dancing, church, violin, babysitting... everything is full steam ahead, really. Business as usual.
Except I lost a bit of weight thanks to le gastro and really, I'm feeling pretty fabulous about it. i don't think I've had such a flat stomach in well, ever.
Anyway. All I'm saying is that there are there are upsides to emptying the contents of your (empty) stomach for a few days and then not eating anything at all for a few days after that. Apparently fitting into your skinny jeans is one of them.
But I digress.
Besides feeling better, what else have I been up to?
I've been doing a lot of reading (did you notice my new "What I've Been Reading" sidebar on the right?) and there are a few books that are rocking my world. I'm really loving the whole "reading for pleasure" thing, because after a while, uni sucks the desire to read anything right out of you with it's incessant demands that you read pages ii-xvii of such and such a textbook that adds no meaning to your life.
But I have gotten back into reading things that I want to read, and I'm chowing through books like nobody's business. At the moment, I go through about a book a week. I'm thinking I will need to reaquaint myself with the good ol' Penrith City Library, because at at least $25 a pop, reading has apparently become an expensive hobby.
Aaaand, I've been catching up with friends. A few weeks ago, I discovered The Coffee Club right opposite Nepean River, and in it's go-for-a-walk-then-come-put-all-that-hard-earned-weight-loss-right-back-on-again-with-a-slice-of-cake charm, I was hooked. And then I discovered that apparently I was the last person in Penrith to "discover" The Coffee Club Nepean River, and that it's been open since May. Well I never. Let's just say I made up for my lack of patronage from months May-July by spending a lot of time, both quality and quantity (but emphasis on the quantity) seated in one of the many comfy couches it offers during the month of August.
So, I've been a social butterfly. Hanging out with my girlfriends. Catching up. Doing a bit of shopping, a bit of eating and a lot of talking.
Just today I was talking with my friend Keisha about how good it feels to be in our twenties. Your twenties is such a decade of change; you can go from being single and a student at 20 to being married with children and a career and a house and a mortgage at 29. And at 21 now, we are right at the beginning. We both feel like this is the age of opportunity, really. There's so much to look forward to; so much on the horizon. Every day is a step towards our futures, and it's all exciting! I have such an urge to do things. I want to accomplish so much. I want to travel, and I want to see the world, and I want to learn, and I want to meet people and have stories to tell, and I want to do. I don't want to miss out on anything. Because that's what your twenties are about. And right now, it's so much fun! I love being 21! In all it's socialising and meeting people and reading and studying and learning about new things goodness, I am soaking it up.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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