The cake featured on her blog, was made by Amanda, who first saw it on Meg's blog.
(Is that six degrees of blog separation or what? Okay, maybe it's only 3 degrees of separation, but still!)
I decided to try it out for myself. It's not too hard. You make two bowls of cake batter and then split each bowl into three so that you get six bowls (one for each colour). The hardest part is fitting them in the oven! I had to do 3 at a time.
Then the real fun begins... frosting! I made orange frosting because it's Maddi's (the birthday girl) favourite colour.
The recipe called for powdered sugar, but as I stood in the baking needs section of my supermarket, looking at all the sugar products, I could not for the life of me find "powdered sugar" anyway.
Thank goodness for iPhones, I Googled "substitute for powdered sugar" and found that you could use white sugar that had been put through a blender for a few minutes. So that's what I did. Except I don't think I blended it for long enough, because even though it looked "powdery", when I tasted it I could still feel the sugar granules on my tongue and it was weird.
Anyway, at this point I had that much orange frosting that there was no way I was going to throw it out and start again (plus I didn't have time because the girls were arriving in an hour), so I kept at it.
Amanda recommended freezing the layers in between frosting so the cake wouldn't go slip sliding all over the place. I froze mine for an hour and it was still difficult to frost! Even when I was serving it up, I found I had to keep pushing the layers back into place because they kept sliding off each other.
Maybe my freezer is inadequate.
But like the cake, it looks good.
This was the end result:

The girls loved it! (Even though it turned out pastel coloured instead of bright wow-zer colours like Amanda's and Meg's cakes.) They were so surprised when I cut into it and starting serving it up. It was a real hit! I'd definitely make it again.
And it was so fun! Kind of like a crazy science experiment making all the different colours! I had a thought that it was something I could incorporate into a science lesson once I'm a teacher. The kids would love that.
t's such a important site. fanciful, acutely interesting!!!
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System największym wydarzeniem na rzecz branży nurtów zorientowanych profilaktyczno-zdrowotnie oraz swoją filozofią do rozciągania, pozostaje „w ukryciu” za Trening ten łączy ich zaletach. 60-minutowej sesji można się, że w diametralnym uczestniczyli.
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