Today's my first day of freedom :)
(That'a smiley face on the end, in case you didn't know
Last night, after I finished my exam, I waited to feel some sort of euphoria or excitement. And I got nothing. Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet. Maybe once I get the official "Yes, we're really letting you graduate, and here's the piece of paper to prove it" then I'll be excited.
For now, I'm enjoying sleeping in, not being as stressed, getting to enjoy the hot summer days we have coming up.
I've also been trying to catch up with each of my 5 best friends, since we all get a little crazy busy towards the end of the semester and don't see each other as much as we'd like to.
Have I mentioned how successful we all are?!
Elise finished her Medical Science degree at the University of Sydney and just got accepted into Medical School!
Laura finished her Bachelor of Communications at UWS and just started a very grown-up marketing job in the city.
Claryse is part way through her Arts degree, and is looking to transfer to study Dance Education at Macquarie Uni next year.
Keisha has had a very lucrative job at the Australian Taxation Office for a few years now, and recently got promoted, is getting married in April and is looking for a block of land to start building a house.
And then there's me, finished my Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) degree, and starting my Masters of Primary Teaching next year!
This is the most recent photo I have of all of us - from our graduation in 2006! I know - terrible! I'll have to take a new photo of the 5 of us, but here's Claryse, me, Elise, Keisha & Laura.
(Except imagine Elise with shorter hair, Keisha with red hair and Laura with long blonde hair, because that's how they look now!)

Noted. -:)
Dad. Seriously. You do it on purpose don't you?!
-:) is NOT a smiley.
:-) IS (see how it's features are in the correct order?)
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