I'm at uni, with a three hour break.
Do you feel like this is the only time you ever hear from me?
Last week was Mid-Semester Break at uni, which tied in with Easter as well. Having a whole week off was soooo nice! Sleeping in, not having to rush out the door, doing whatever I wanted for the day = bliss!
That's not to say I wasn't busy. I spent a lot of time with my friends, we had a spontaneous pizza and movie night and then on another night we played board games and watched DVDs. This is how my friends and I are - we'd rather stay in than go out ANY day!
On Good Friday, after I went to church in the morning, Mum and I decided to go for a drive. It was "go-for-a-drive" weather. We had plans to go to Wollongong, but after getting on the freeway and seeing the traffic backed up for like 5 kilometres, we turned around and headed in the other direction. We ended up at Pancakes on the Rocks in Parramatta (yum!) and then we got home in time to see a movie. We wanted to see Dear John, but we missed the only session it was on, so we saw The Last Song instead. They're both movies based on Nicholas Sparks novels, so in my opinion it didn't really matter which one we saw!
By the end of the movie, I was in tears. It was SO sad. I won't spoil the ending, but oh my goodness it was a tear jerker.
Then again, that could just be because I'm a "feeler". At my friend Laura's dinner party on Friday night, the 5 of us (Laura, Keisha, Elise, Claryse & me - Laura's dad calls us "The Desperate Housewives" haha) were talking about whether we're think-ers, feel-ers, or do-ers.
We all know each other so well after having been friends for so long, that most of the time it was unanimous. Laura and I are both feelers. But we differ in that I'm a feeler, then a thinker, then a do-er, meaning I feel things first, then I think about them, and then I act. Laura is much more of a do-er than I am :)
I'm a ponderer. I think about what I'm thinking about. (We call that "metacognition" at uni)
But regardless of all that, first and foremost, I am a FEELER. Big time. Emotional, romantic, deep and meaningful. That's me.
I love hanging out with my friends who know me so well. The 5 of us can talk for hours, without even realising that time is passing. It's true. It happened on Friday night. Before we knew it, it was 2am, and everyone else had left hours ago. I love that :)
(I'm all about the smiley faces today!)
Later on the weekend (on Saturday) I hosted a Baby Shower for my dance teacher with some other girls from dancing. It was so fun to see the hall all decked out in pink, and full of yummy food. (I may have gone on a baking binge a few days before...)
Yesterday, on Monday, I had to work all day, but it was worth it because of the public holiday rates :) We were surprisingly busy... well not busy, but constant, which was surprising because in a small little shopping centre like ours, public holiday usual equals deserted. So that was a pleasant surprise.
However, before I knew it, it was the end of the Easter long weekend and back to the real world - uni.
Waking up early this morning was not fun, but it's only another two weeks before we are on break again. I can't wait. But in the meantime, I have a few assessments to get back to... the life of a uni student!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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