It is rainy and miserable here in Sydney today. Boo. I miss the sun. I'm sick of winter. Bring on a decent Sydney Summer! I'm so excited for hot weather.
Anyway. I don't have uni until 1.30pm today, so it has been nice to be able to potter around a bit this morning. Yesterday was a crazy busy day, with non-stop classes. I was at uni from 10.30am-7.00pm - yes, I had classes at night! It was pretty hard trying to stay focussed and listening in my last lecture, when all day you have been trying to remember everything you're being told, find classrooms, make it on time, jot down notes or important points, start thinking about assignments, form groups for group assessments, etc... By 3pm I was ready to go home, but I still had another 3 classes to go!
Luckily in most of my classes I saw people that I recognised, so I had friends to sit with. There's nothing worse than being lonered and sitting by yourself! It's not nice. But since we're doing teaching, we have to do a lot of group work, and the added bonus is that you get to know lots of people! So even if you're not technically "friends", you'll still know each other well enough to sit together.
And I'm rambling again. Being back at uni has turned me into this frazzled person, because somehow the calendar sped up and holidays were over before they were supposed to be! ;)
What has also contributed to this frazzled-ness is that yesterday on my way to uni (literally 5 minutes away, actually) I had a car accident. A minor one, no one was hurt or anything like that, but still it was frustrating, and made me late to my first lecture and generally started my day off on a bad note. What's worse is that it was my fault- I was travelling behind a ute/truck and we were both about to turn left to merge onto a highway. I thought he went, so I looked to my right to check the oncoming traffic, put my foot on the accelerator, and felt a crunch. Since I felt and heard it first, I actually thought I'd hit the gutter, but when I turned around to look, I realised it was so much worse than that! My car definitely came off worse, being a small little hatch back designed to crumple at the smallest impact. The guy in the other car was so nice, he didn't seem worried about his car at all, in fact he was more worried about me because I was shaking and almost crying. Luckily I was so close to uni, we exchanged details and he tried to calm me down a little bit before we drove off, and I promptly called my mum and sat crying in the carpark at uni!
Not a good start to my day, but being the optimist that I am, I thought it can only get better, right?! And it did, but then it got worse. I found out that I will have to take an extra subject this semester, which means I will be doing 6 subjects at once (the standard is 4). Goodbye any semblance of a life! Looks like my life from now on will revolve around planning lessons and units of work.
And insurance quotes and smash repairs, of course.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
I'm over from Jenna's Journey's blog hop! I'm sorry you had a rough day! I have the same header on my blog, very cute!
I can't get over that it's WINTER there! That is so wild!
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