Monday, December 6, 2010

3 Girls and a Christmas Tree

This is the scene that unfolds when three girls put up a Christmas tree.

Putting up Keisha's Christmas tree took us two nights, because we couldn't find the beads that serve as her "tinsel" until a day later! And of course, we found them in a box that we had searched through many times! Isn't that always the way?!

Claryse untangling the strands of lights

Stringing the beads

Keisha placing the star on top

The 3 of us with the completed tree


Erin Ward said...

Such a pretty tree! I love decorating the Christmas tree. :)

Meg said...

Looks like you girls had a ton of fun!!!

Michele said...

I'm visiting from the Pleated Poppy. Pretty tree! I just read your 'About Me'. I'm a teacher, but my degree is in sociology/psychology. I love teaching and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Good luck and cute blog!