So in no particular order...
My friend Keisha & I have been having Grey's Anatomy marathons every week since the very beginning of this year- it's always been our favourite show, but we are now addicted to it in a big way! The latest episode comes out in Australia today and I am just itching to know what happens with the characters next!

I just finished reading this book- and now I really want to see the movie! I'm going through a phase where I really want to read books that have been/ are in the process of being turned into movies.

I'm trying to teach myself how to play Pachelbel's Canon in D major on the violin... oh, and also the violin solo in Green Day's song Time of Your Life (two very different kinds of music, I realise). I have sheet music that helps, but I really learn best by playing by ear.

I can't stop eating this basil, cashew nut and parmesan dip. I'm not even normally a dip kind of girl, but this one is so good on top of crackers.

The next few weeks are going to be big weeks for me- next Friday I'm heading to Singapore with my sister to visit Dad and the rest of the family up there. Our Grandma Val is also flying up from New Zealand so it'll be one big family holiday! I'm so looking forward to it; the last time I visited Dad in Singapore was years ago and I'm excited to see what's stayed the same... and what's changed. And also- of course the shopping has me very excited too!

Right after I get back from Singapore in the middle of February, we are headed to New Zealand for my cousin Ashley's wedding! Ashley and I like to tell everyone that we are exactly "two months and one day" apart (she was born on April 16th and me on June 17th). She is the first of us grandchildren to get married (which makes sense, as she is also the oldest grandchild on that side of the family- she just beat me by those two measly months!)

And then, after a week in NZ, I arrive back on Monday and uni starts back on the Tuesday! I can't believe it- back to classes, textbooks, assignments... But the fantastic part is that this wil be my final semester! 14 weeks of classes... and then I'm done for good! I'll be a fully qualified primary teacher- how crazy is that?!

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