I wanted you to meet Jordan, who I babysat today, and her sister Emi.
I guess these girls are my 'pretend children'... the ones I practise my mothering skills with?!
This is Jordan (the photo is from the ski trip I took with her family back in... June? July? I can't remember, but she was 6 years old.)
She is the most affectionate of the 2. She spent a good hour on my lap this morning, watching TV. She is always up for a cuddle.
She is also definitely the more girly of her and Emi. She loves pink, dressing up and posing for photos.
This is her big sister Emi, back in 2006 (my last year of school, and her first year of "big school".)
At PAC, we have a tradition that to celebrate the Year 12's leaving, we have Kindergarten students present them with flowers... sort of symbolising the present generation of students leaving the next generation to rise up, I guess.
When I graduated, I had Emi as the kindy student to present me with my gerbera. And by the way, this wasn't a coincidence. I totally rigged it. In the video, you can see Emi waiting in the wings at the side of the stage with her teacher while student after student files past to present their Year 12 student with their flower. Poor Emi has to wait all the way til they reach the P's before we get to have our moment together. But it was so sweet.
Emi is the tom-boy. She loves active games, but is also very intelligent and imaginative. She is the first to think up new ideas for a game or a story. She is also very sensitive, and likes affection, but not to the level that Jordan does! Emi is more of a run at you as soon as she sees you and topple you over with the force of her hug kinda girl. Whenever she does this I jokingly say "Feel the love!" (physically and emotionally!) and now she often says it to me, though I'm not sure she totally understands the connotations! Emi is also the one who came up with the nickname "Leashy B" for me... we're still trying to figure that out.
I don't really remember how I got so close to both of these beautiful girls. Obviously I knew their mum Sally from my years at her dance studio but it wasn't until Emi started school at PAC that I started really getting to know them. I used to skip my free period on Tuesdays to pick-up Emi from the primary school and then Sally would pick us up, we'd go get Jordy from pre-school and then I'd babysit them at their house while Sally was at dancing.
We did all kinds of fun stuff together... lots of crafty stuff. Even now, when the girls get Christmas or birthday presents, they are quick to classify them as "Leashy presents" because I have become known as the only one willing to do the messy, involved craft activities with them!
And then I started going on trips with them.
This photo is from the 2007 ski trip we went on.

I wish I had more photos of them because these few don't really do them justice. You can't really see Jordan's cute, poser attitude or Emi's rambunctiousness.
Anywaaaay... I just thought they were worthy of their own blog post.
They've certainly made my life a lot brighter!
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