Only 1 month left of holidays until the dreaded uni goes back...
The good news? I'm in my final year of my Bachelor of Arts, which means I only have 2 semesters left before I graduate! Of course, there's still my Masters of Teaching to complete, so technically I still have 2 years left at uni (I'll graduate twice!), but whatever gets me through the semester...
Anyway, my holidays have certainly flown by. Given that I only have 1 month left, I've been frantically trying to cram in everything I had planned for my 4 month vacation. This past week I've been doing a lot of babysitting/ catching up with the kids in my life. This week I saw both Emi & Jordan as well as Tegan & Ryan.
I've also been doing a lot of reading. Over the summer I've read (and become addicted to) the Twilight series. I've also read a smattering of other random books. One I really like is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.
I really had hoped to cull my reading list (I often start reading a book only to put it down in exchange for starting a new book, then pick up the old one only to have to start reading from the beginning because it's been so long and I've forgotten the plot!) but instead I've only added more books to my collection! I have a pile on my table next to my bed, plus others stashed in the drawers. The pile on my table is my "current" selection, but even that's gotten so big that our cleaner has moved it to the floor! I now have a huge pile of about 6 books on my floor... but she arranged it artfully so I kinda like it and I've kept it like that!
I love reading... but there's only so much time I can spend sitting still (clearly a gene inherited from Father, not Mother). Four months of holidays is a long time, people. I need projects! When I was younger I used to do crafty projects to keep me busy during the school holidays, but I stopped once school started to get a bit more study-heavy. I decided these holidays that I want to get back into it.
My project this week was making myself a personalised corkboard for my room (I got the inspiration from another blog). All week I've been looking for a plain corkboard that's the right size, and you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find! I finally found it today, and I painted it with the paint left over from painting my feature wall.
When I got home, Mum was like "You're not going to do this now, are you?" I replied, "Don't you know me by now to see that I'm a do-it-now kinda girl, not a let's-sit-and-wait-around-for-a-while kinda girl?!"
I bought ribbon too, you know, to accessorise! I'm sure I don't need to tell you what colour scheme I'm going with... Now I just need some white letters to spell out my name... with two A's and two I's, Alicia is a name that refuses to be spelt using just one set of the alphabet! Plus, I can't find any nice font that comes in white. So for now, my corkboard remains nameless.
Anyway, that's project #1. Project numero deux involves photography. (I am getting into this left-brain stuff!) I've decided that I want to get into photography as a hobby. You know, cos my life is so empty and I need more activities to fill up my days. :)
We have a standard point-and-shoot digital camera, but I'm feeling it's not up to the challenge so I've been looking at SLR cameras. Man, are those expensive! Even on eBay! Anyway, last night Mum whipped out her old SLR camera from like 20 years ago- it's older than me! It is ancient- and really heavy! No way you could fit that baby in your pocket! I was playing around with it, looking at all the different settings, when we discovered it had film in it! I am so curious to see what photos are on that film! Can you even develop film that old?! We shall soon see.
So I've decided 2009 is going to be the Year of the Photo for me. I'm going to take lots of photos. I already love being surrounded by photos (my room is like Photo City!) so it's no surprise to anyone when I whip out my camera these days. But I want to get more artsy with photography, learning more about camera settings and light, shadows, effects, etc. That's a goal for 2009. You know, in between aiming to get pointe shoes for ballet, getting back into tap dancing and taking my first violin exam. Piece of cake. Like I said, I'm a do-it-now kinda girl. Dad says I'm "go-go-go, let's get there already!" I've got stuff to do in this life and not enough time to do it! Carpe Diem, right?! Let's do it today.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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