Friday, April 10, 2009

Leavin' on a jet plane

This is it! The day I've been counting down til... leaving for America!

We have to be at the airport at 7am this morning... our flight leaves at 10.20am.
I'm just about to go get in my purple people eater outfit uniform.
At least I'll be able to find the rest of the group easily at the airport!

I'm all packed... seriously stuffed suitcase! Trying to leave room for shopping overseas, but... we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, this is my au revoir to all of you... I probably won't be updating this blog much, but head on over to where Haylee, Claryse & I will be updating from LA and NY.
I've added my twitter updates to that blog so you don't have to go to and from this blog and that one.

Look out for more posts as we embark on our adventure...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


It's official... one day to go!

In a little over 12 hours, I'll be driving in to the airport, meeting up with my other 40 odd purple people eaters and leavin' on a jet plane.

We've been planning for so long it seems surreal to think that this is all going to happen tomorrow. I'm pumped though! I woke up at 6:42am this morning (and I rarely wake up before 7am) and I had adrenaline pumping through my veins like crazy.

I am a little scared about the flight... it's been a while since I've been on such a long flight... but I'll have my good friend Valium to help me with that. Here's hoping I don't pass out in the aisle.

I'm almost finished packing- have I mentioned how much I love packing? Not.
Ugh. I hate having to limit my options. I know I'll have the opportunity to do lots of shopping when I get there, but what if I don't like any of the clothes there? Or what if it's randomly really hot or really cold? This is why I need to take lots of options.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yeah, I'm procrastinating. I'm still working on those 2 wretched assignments I've been talking about for ... what, a week, now? Yeah. So no progress on the packing.

That's what everyone asks me. "No! I'm not packed yet!"

I've still got oh, a day and a bit. Heaps of time.
Especially cos I'll be home all day tomorrow waiting for the delivery of my new iPhone! (if Blogger had sparkly font, I'd use that right about now.)

Tres excited. (But it better show up! We've had a few delivery issues. I think Dad had words with the phone company. But he always pleads the fifth when I ask him stuff like that. I bet he used his "business voice". That's the secret, I reckon. Sound important. And authoritative.)


Not much progress made... a few more items thrown into the suitcase, a few more things jotted down on the "To Do" list... and a bit more left to do before I hand my final assignments in.

Monday, April 6, 2009


PS... it's my friend Laura's 20th birthday today, so I wanted to give her a shout-out! Welcome to my box! (20-24)!


I have gotten my suitcase out.

There are currently 2 long sleeve tops and 1 t-shirt in it.
That's all I could decide upon last night. I have way too many clothes to be able to pick and choose. I know I'm going to be buying stuff once I'm over there, so I want to pack as little as I can, but seriously, a girl needs options!
(Plus it's the Year of the Scarf so I need to leave room for a scarf or five.)

The other thing that makes me so indecisive when it comes to packing is that since I'm going to LA & NY, it seems I'm going to have to pack for 2 different seasons.
Lately, both states have been getting colder (LA around 20 degrees, NY around 5!) but that's still a big difference when it comes to clothes.

Living in Sydney means that we rarely have to deal with temperatures below 15 degrees. I simply can't fathom how cold 5 degrees is going to be (yes, despite my NZ heritage), and therefore I can't work out what I need to wear!

The other day it was freezing and I thought, at last, I can feel how cold it's going to be in NY, to prepare myself. And then I drove past one of those temperature gauges on the side of a building and it said 20 degrees. 20 degrees is freezing for me.

I may not survive New York.

Sunday, April 5, 2009



My goodness, I can hardly believe I just wrote that.

For the past few days I've been trying to write things down that need to be done before we leave so that I don't get to the airport and have one of those "Oh no! I forgot..." moments.

I'm still pretty focussed on getting my remaining uni assessments done, so that's kind of holding the excitement back a little bit.

It still doesn't seem real to think that this Friday I'll be at the airport waiting to board a plane. Often, for me, the real excitement doesn't come until I'm actually at the airport, but everyone's enthusiasm is kind of infectious!

It seems that everyone I know knows about the trip. People are always asking me "how many days to go now?!"

Last night we had a "Bon Voyage" afternoon tea with all of my girlfriends. Two of them went to Europe right before Christmas, so I was asking them for any tips or pieces of advice. The main ones were pack light and wash your underwear in the sink and leave it to dry near the air conditioning! Haha. I'll have to remember that!


On Saturday we had our last ever rehearsal for our America Show!

Of course, we have a rehearsal at Disneyland but this was our last rehearsal in Australia!

Kind of bittersweet, really. But also very exciting!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Today is exactly ONE WEEK to go!

I really can't believe that this time in 1 week, I'll be at the airport with 50 other purple people eaters (seriously, that's what we look like in our studio t-shirts) getting ready to board a 14 hr flight.

I still have so much to do... Mum brought up the whole "packing" thing this morning and it sent me into a frenzy of "but I don't have this, or this, or this yet!"

My mum is good at packing. My grandma is good at packing. I am not good at packing.
Clearly I missed that gene.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


8 days to go... I'm in getting-ready-to-go mode.

Today, I've...

been to the doctor to get the all clear to fly after this stupid ear infection shut me down for a few days,

I've had my hair done (so that I look good in photos),

I've bought 2 hats to take to the theme parks (one cap and another wide brimmed one in case it's really sunny)

and in the midst of all that planning and preparation, I forgot to have lunch.

So here I am typing away eating some gluten free chocolate biscuits. The gluten free part makes me think they're somewhat nutritious.

By the way, I think I am going to take over New York's gluten free restaurants, given the amount of time and effort I've put into researching.