OK, so I technically got back on Friday, but with jetlag and the time change, I'm pretty sure I was just on autopilot this weekend. I'm not doing too badly with the jetlag, I just wake up really early in the morning here (when it's the middle of the day in NYC) and fall asleep really early at night (when it's in the wee hours in NYC)!
Let me just say it once: New York was A - MAZING!!!
LA was really great, but NYC was fantastic. So want to go back.
Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I get back home and think, I should probably check my uni email etc etc and find that for some reason, I totally missed the fact that I had Part 2 of an assignment due on 1st May (the day that I got back).
How I missed it I have no idea because I'm usually so on top of things like that. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I've been working frantically to get it done by Monday. That's the earliest I'll be able to hand it in, so I'll get 30% deducted off my mark (10% lost per day, and Saturdays and Sundays count). At least it's not a total disaster. (I only realised that after the crying).
Oh yeah, and the manager from hell is back at JW. And this time, she's OUR store manager. Seriously, the woman is evil. She's already made the girls cry. One of them resigned and when she received her resignation letter, Manager said "Woo Hoo!" to her face. Some people have no people skills. Seriously. I'm kinda scared to go back to work. But apparently she's taken care of that for me, because neither I nor the other girl who goes to uni have any shifts for the next whole fortnight! It's like she's trying to punish us for not having as flexible a schedule as she'd like. A few of the girls are already talking about transferring to other stores, and I'm entertaining the thought too, I must admit. I love working at JW and I love the store and the customers but I don't know if it's worth the stress having her as my manager.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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