I've been a bit neglectful of this blog lately- between the jetlag and now having the flu, I've been trying to rest! If you know me at all, you will know this is pretty hard for me to do... I don't do the whole "sitting still" thing very well!
But this week, I haven't been to dancing, haven't been to violin, haven't been to PAC and haven't been to uni. I'm just trying to get well, because there's only 2 weeks of this uni semester left and then after a bit of a break, I have exams.
How much does it suck that I have exams scattered throughout the week of my birthday (which is in a month)? My 21st birthday, as a matter of fact. I have my Abnormal Psych exam on the 15th June, my birthday on the 17th, Developmental Psych exam on the 19th (starting at 5.30pm- what the?!!) and then my final exam, Stats, on the 23rd.
It kinda sucks because I'm not the only one with such a sucky exam schedule. Most of my friends have their uni exams at the same time, so I'm postponing any birthday celebrations until the weekend of the 27th June. It's only 10 days later, so I figure it's not too long to wait.
It took me a while to decide what I'm going to do for my birthday this year. I guess I felt a bit of pressure to have a big "party" seeing as it's my 21st, but the thing is... I don't really like partying and drinking and clubbing and all that. I'd much rather just hang out with my friends and do something much more low key.
So, with that in mind, I am celebrating my birthday here: https://www.thetearoom.com.au/
I'm having a tea party! Or a high tea. Whatever you'd like to call it.
The Tea Room is in the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney's CBD, and it's one of Sydney's oldest buildings. I've always loved the QVB (one year at school I did a Design & Technology research project on the architecture!) and so I'm pretty excited to have my birthday there. I'm going to take all my girlfriends, and we'll all get dressed up in our pretty frocks and have a very elegant afternoon tea. Because we're classy like that!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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