You may wonder why you're hearing more from me lately... especially on Tuesday afternoons.
It's because I have a three hour break between my classes!
And there's only so much reading and quizzing that a student's mind can take!
Being at my new campus has it's pros and cons- and this is one of the latter. It's not like my old campus where I was only 15 minutes away from home and would drive back and forth easily on my lunch break.
Nope, it takes me anywhere between 45 minutes and an hour to get here (and that's if I'm leaving in the middle of the day! If it's like today, and I have a 9 o'clock lecture, it can take me 2+ hours!)
There is a shopping centre about 20 minutes' drive away, but today I just feel like hanging around campus. My friends all have classes at the moment, so here I am, checking in with you all.
(On another note, my friend Keisha and I are always saying that we were born in the wrong place- we should've been born in the southern states of the US so we could say "y'all"!)
So, what have I been up to?
I had a great weekend, filled with activity as usual. (You may have seen my post on making a bulletin board below.)
I worked on Sunday, and even got called in to work yesterday afternoon as well. We absolutely smashed our sales targets on the weekend, but Monday was s-l-o-w and pretty tragic dollar-wise.
I've been dying to see Dear John at the movies, and was meant to go with Mum on the weekend, but I got home Sunday afternoon and crashed on the couch. I managed to sleep for an hour, which is very unlike me! By the time I woke up it was time to go to church, so there was no opportunity to go to the movies.
There are so many movies out at the moment that I want to see! Dear John is one of them, but I've also been meaning to see Valentine's Day (I know, it's a bit late since it's now the middle of March!) and I also want to see Remember Me.
I mentioned a while ago that last weekend Keisha and I saw The Blind Side, which was a fabulous movie about a Southern woman and her family who take in a homeless high school student and help him go on to become a famous NFL player.
We LOVED it.
Our favourite quote:
Leigh Anne Touhy: If you so much as set foot downtown you will be sorry. I'm in a prayer group with the D.A., I'm a member of the NRA and I'm always packing.
Gang member: Whatchu packin? A .22? A little Saturday night special?
Leigh Anne Touhy: Yep. And it shoots just fine every other day of the week too.
We were laughing and laughing in this scene.
Love that she notes she's in a prayer group first, before she even mentions that she carries a gun!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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