As part of my plan to blog more frequently (it was on my "22 Things to do before I'm 22" list), I'm going to tell you all about my weekend.
On Saturday, I had a relatively free day, but I don't do well with free time on my hands. I need a project.
So, armed with nothing other than my imagination, I hunted around a few dollar stores and craft shops until I came up with an idea.
My first (smaller) idea was that I wanted to make some wall letters for my study. The bigger idea was that I wanted to make over my study. Another time, another post.
The idea for wall letters came up when I was helping my dance teacher Sally paint her daughters' rooms (blue for Emi, 9; purple for Jordan, 7 & pink for baby Eliza, who is yet to be born).
Eliza's room is yet to be decorated, and we were tossing around ideas when I mentioned wall letters. A few hunts on eBay helped convince me that I could totally make my own. So, I bought some pre-cut wooden letters (if you must know, I bought E, N, J, O and Y, because I'm going to hang "ENJOY" on the wall), and then using some paint we had left over from my feature wall, I painted them.
Easy enough.
The hard part is deciding whether or not to keep them simply painted (the colour is a dark pink/ raspberry called 'Scarlet Ribbons' that I absolutely love) or cover them each with a different scrapbook paper. I've seen the latter done before, and it can look awesome, but I have a feeling it's going to be difficult...
Anyway, that's as far as that project got, because on Saturday afternoon I met up with my friend Keisha. Her wedding is April 24th, and so her entire dining table is covered in all kinds of wedding paraphenalia. As part of my bridesmaid-ly duty, I've been helping her with the wedding invitations.
(110 people doesn't sound like a lot, but it is when you have to hand make each individual one, and then address every envelope.)
After the addressing was completed and the invitations were finally DONE (it's been a long time coming), we decided to go to a movie.
I wanted to see Dear John, but Keisha had already seen it, so we settled on The Blind Side, Sandra Bullock's new movie about a family that takes on a homeless teenager and sees him become a football phenomenon.
Sidenote: It was about 7 o'clock at night when we were deciding which movie to go see, and so the only session time we could go see was the 9:30 one. At 21 years of age respectively, we both looked at each other and went "Is 9:30 too late?"
And then went: "For goodness' sake, it's a Saturday night and we're 21 years old! We should be able to cope with going out after 9 o'clock at night!"
I love that my friends are just like me- we'd rather stay in than go out, any day.
We ended up going to the cinemas at Blacktown, because they are nicer than the one here in Penrith, and we agreed that if we were going to do this, we may as well go all out.
So we got popcorn AND peanut M&M's.
We are such rebels.
Out past our bed time AND eating junk food.
(Looked like starving students when we had to combine all our silver and gold coins to make the $17, but oh well...)
The point is, we were having a great night.
A girls night even.
The movie was awesome. At the end, when I was trying not to cry (because it was so amazing, not because it was sad), Keisha said "Oh, was that 2 hours? I never wanted it to end."
A sure sign you've picked a good movie to go see and spend $15 worth on.
We got home at about 12.30am (yes, that's past midnight, kids!) and the next morning, I was wrecked.
Such a party animal, I am.
Keisha and I had both planned to go to morning church on Sunday, so waking up at 8.30am that day just seemed like torture.
Cruel and unnecessary, because there is a perfectly good night service that starts at the much more respectable time of 6pm, instead of 9.30am.
Anyway. I went, and she was supposed to meet me there, but that never happened because she was late. So I sat with Sally and her family. And yawned a lot, but it was good.
And then I had to choof off to work. And somehow in between I forgot to have lunch, but I didn't realise until the end of my shift that all I'd had to eat that day was toast for breakfast, a cupcake and three pieces of Sara Lee banana cake (because it's just that good) from church, and half a packet of peanut M&M's that were leftover from the movies.
Yeah. Because that's good and totally going to help me with the whole "I've got to fit into a bridesmaid's dress in less than two months" thing.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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