Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Look Inside a Kindergarten Classroom

Curious to see what a real kindergarten classroom looks like?

Let me show you!

This is not my classroom, but it is the classroom that I'm in for my four week block of prac.

Because it's a kindergarten room, it's very colourful, with lots of the kids' work up on the walls.

I could bore you with a whole lot of talk about how research has found that classrooms where the kids' work is up on display leads to a more engaged class with higher success rates in learning...

I could also tell you that the Creative Arts (music, dance, drama and visual arts) have been found to correlate with success more so than either academia, sports or community involvement. All the more reason for letting your kids be creative and put up their art in the classroom!

So of course there's lots of artwork up in the room!

And my own creation... You always have to make a prototype to show the kids how to do it!

We made these animal habitats on paper a few days ago- the green one is a lilypad, the pink one is a nest and the red one is a tree!

We've also been doing some work on Japan - here are the koi fish the kids made with me!

Naturally, we do a lot of counting. Here's our counting by tens caterpillar!

These Rainbow Fish we made after reading the Rainbow Fish story book.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wish List

Yesterday, on Friday afternoon, I drove out of my way to go and get petrol because I had one of those voucher things that you get if you spend more than $30 at the supermarket the petrol station is linked to.

Anyway, since I was out, I decided to make a shopping trip out of it, and so I spent a lovely hour or two browsing fabric shops and homewares stores, just taking in all the prettiness.

And because it's my birthday in less than a month (hint hint!), I thought I'd show you some of the pretty things that I found.

I am in love, in love I tell you, with this bedspread from Sheridan. Too bad it doesn't come in queen size. And that it's actually kids bed linen.

I also love these pale pink mini kitchen scales from Domayne.

I may or may not have ordered something similar to these tote bags with my name on it...

Oh, and also this. It is different to the one above, really. It's a tote basket, not a tote bag.

And since I've already linked to a lot of Etsy items, let's add some more.

I love this set of 4 prints, from here. Reminds me of a set of 6 framed in a beautiful ornate white wooden frame that I saw at Domayne yesterday for $299. Yikes.

I also love this, from here.

I realise that these Nutella Cupcakes don't traditionally fall into the category of "pretty", but still, I wanted to include them. Yum.

In fact, I think I'll make those today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Photos from my week

I have been busy- I finished my last week of classes EVER, and then went straight into prac at school! I have a kindergarten class and they are the cutest! It's a lot of work planning lessons for 22 kids who can't read or write yet, but it's definitely a good challenge!

So... some pics from the past week:

Fog on the drive in this morning.

Black tea with honey- my fave.

My sister sent this to me when she saw "Alicia's Risotto" on the menu at an Italian restaurant! I do love me some risotto!

My favourite mug- got it from New York a few years ago.

New red shoes! I have an addiction to ballet flats.