Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Do We Need School

Saw this on Facebook- you have to laugh at it, even if the whole thing might be enough to do me out of a job when I finally become a proper teacher!

Why Do We Need School

Music: We have YouTube for that.
Sport: I have a Wii.
Languages: I watch Dora the Explorer.
English: Everything is shortened anyway (LOL, BRB).
Maths: That's why we have calculators.
Geography: I'll buy a globe (or use NavMan).
Drama: That's why I watch The Bold & The Beautiful.
History: They're all dead anyway!

Luckily I have a kindergarten class for my latest prac at school, and being so early in the year, they can't read yet... otherwise if they saw this, they might not turn up next week ;)

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