Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Week on Prac

This past week I've been on prac at a local school every day!

It's my last prac before officially becoming a proper teacher in June, so I'm soaking up every minute of it (hence the lack of attention paid to this blog recently!)

I have a Kindergarten class, and they are so fun to plan lessons for... although catering to the needs of 22 different children who have only just come out of pre-school six weeks ago has it's challenges.

For one of our assignments, we had to create a lesson that qualified as a multi-engaging experience- meaning that it held the kids' interest and addressed outcomes from multiple subject areas.

I chose to plan a Maths lesson with Science and Creative Arts elements as well. After observing the class on Monday and Tuesday, I felt I was ready to start teaching on Wednesday (actually, I was itching to get started by then!)

The first part of the lesson was yesterday morning. I chose something fun and exciting for the kids to learn with- Jellybeans!

First we traced around our hands, and then we covered the surface area with jellybeans!

Then we traced around the jellybeans

and coloured them in so we could see how many jellybeans fit inside each hand print!

We then sorted the jellybeans into colours and made a bar graph depicting the number of each different colour jellybean!

Then we ranked each colour jellybean from least to most, on a scale using rope and paperclips!

It was so fun, and the kids were really engaged! Success!

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