So this past week was mid semester break for the grand old institution that is UWS.
Incidentally I have a funny UWS story. The UWS Student Association, that is, the group that's supposed to foster support for UWS; has brought out these eco-bags that bear the slogan "Don't ask me- I go to UWS"!!!
I don't know how to respond to this. I guess I should mention that UWS doesn't have the greatest reputation amongst NSW tertiary institutions or in the mind of the general population. It's kind of the younger, less respected, kid brother of the older, more reputable unis like Sydney Uni & UNSW. Not that I'm saying it's dodgy or anything. I haven't had any bad experiences in the past 2 years. But it's the only uni "out here" in Western Sydney, so when compared with the bigger, "more prestigious" unis in the city, it kinda gets a bad rap.
So, on one hand, I get my back up and think (as a scholarship recipient and representative who is therefore inclined to vouch for it's professionalism) "That's so rude! UWS is a perfectly good uni. Just because it hasn't been around for centuries like Sydney and doesn't have the city snobs like UNSW attracts..." But then, another part of me thinks it's pretty funny! The slogan certainly plays up to the misconceptions and negative perceptions that UWS faces. So I have a good giggle.
This kind of two-faced reaction is pretty common in me. When someone says something about men being able to do something women can't, on one hand the feminist in me rises up and wants to show them I can do anything that a boy can; and then I think what about all the times I expect to be treated differently because I'm a girl (chivalry and all that).
Anyway, that was not the point of this post. That was just an observation. Coincidentally, it occurred at PAC, where I've been spending the better part of this week, working in the reception/office, answering phones, running messages and photocopying. Scintillating stuff. But actually quite fun because the ladies I worked with were a riot! Sorry to the parent who rang up enquiring about something and had me answer halfway through a laugh, sounding something like this "Good (giggle) after-(giggle)noon, Penrith (giggle) Angli-(giggle)can College, Ali-(giggle)cia speaking!" It was most unprofessional. And I'm pretty sure I totally failed to address whatever enquiry she was making. She wanted to speak to a teacher, and it was 3.55pm (the school finishes at 3.30pm, and this was the last day of term) so I couldn't get in contact with said teacher, and I offerred to leave a message for her. The parents hesitates before asking "Do you think she'll get it?" At this point, I figured I'd already lost the plot so may as well continue, and truthfully answered "Prob'ly not." She said okay, and I replied (and I hate that I said this) "Cool". Like a teenage boy. To a parent of the school that I'm supposed to be professionally representing. Whoops.
I think that might be the end of my career as a secretary/receptionist. Oh wait, I forgot another proud moment. The headmaster asked me to take the details of a senior church minister who was on hold. I thought I'd mastered the whole "take caller off hold, transfer call" and so on, but I ended up hanging up on him! I didn't have the guts to admit this while the headmaster was around of course, so when he came past, I picked up the phone and pretended to be taking down his address!!! Hahaha. Luckily he called back and I lied my way through some excuse about "the phone having a moment". Don't really think he bought it, but he graciously gave me his details anyway. Which was good, because I certainly didn't have his phone number to ring him back!
Apart from that, I had a pretty good day. It was the head receptionist's 60th birthday on the weekend(yes I was definitely the youngest on staff that day!) and also the last day of term, so the atmosphere was pretty jovial. Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday and a Friday... and I got paid for it, which always helps!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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