listening to... Sarah McLachlan & Sara Evans.
reading... books on the US response to the Iran/Iraq War and the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan (for a uni presentation tomorrow, unfortunately).
eating... dark chocolate (yummm)
loving... the sunny weather!
hating... uni (the work, not the institution!)
feeling... a mixture between stressed/anxious about said uni presentation and surprisingly mellow (Sarah McLachlan does that to me...)
My other latest obsession, as I'm sure you've heard/read about by now is THE VIOLIN!!
I can't stop hearing it in every song... give me a song and I'll point out the violin part. And probably tell you what string's being played.
My secret love (or not- so- secret love, if you ask my friends) is country music. Wait! Not the twangy, daggy country music! More like pop country. Think the Dixie Chicks, Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts etc... (you've probably never heard of some of those, but that's okay!)
Aaaand guess what, this kind of music, it usually features the violin (well, they call it the fiddle, which my violin teacher says she finds very disrespectful!).
The "fiddle" solos are the kind I dream of playing. Completely amazing. Maybe one day. So I attempt to figure out how to play these, much to the dislike of my neighbours I'm sure. Maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I've only just learnt how to play "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star"! (and for the record, it's not easy! How Mozart wrote such a thing at 5 years old is beyond me!)
My Dad and I were having a discussion (over MSN, which is how all deep and meaningful conversations occur...) about whether I'm an overachiever. For my birthday this year I received a brightly coloured pair of pj's with the words "Overachiever" emblazoned across the front, from Victoria's Secret, of all places (the giftor shall remain nameless). I did that thing where I have two polar opposite reactions... first of all I was a tiny bit offended that people might have that particular opinion of me, and then I had a good giggle about it.
Anyway, I wondered if I was an overachiever. People often imply that I am. But I contend that I'm just highly motivated. And it helps that I know exactly what I want to do with my life.
And besides, if I'm ever going to play the violin/fiddle like my idol (Martie Maguire, from the Dixie Chicks, she is AMAZING!) I might need a bit of motivation!
(And yeah, I'm a bit obsessed with her too!!)

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