Well clearly 1 minute was more than enough because it was absolutely boiling. I couldn't get over to the sink fast enough. At first I thought the cold water would fix it, you know like when you touch something hot and you instantly put your hand under the tap. I quickly realised it was more than just a superficial burn like that. For one thing, I was in an excruciating amount of pain. And another, I could see the skin on the palm of my right hand starting to crack and blister already. Yes, I managed to burn both hands. Because I am that clever.
I figured I needed some kind of medical help. Except that I was in the back room of the shop with the door closed and basically incapacitated whenever I took my hands away from under the cold water. My only options were to wrap a dirty old cloth around both hands or make a drastic run for it dripping through the shopping centre and hope the chemist wasn't busy. I chose the latter, because I couldn't be sure I wouldn't catch an infectious disease from the cloth. With a quick "I'm going to the chemist" yelled over my shoulder to my manager Danni, I literally ran- dripping hands and all- to the chemist. Luckily it was pretty empty, because I'm sure I was a sight to see. I went to the counter and told them what happened and while I was waiting for the chemist to finish whatever urgent business he had to finish up, I basically had a melt down- partly because I was embarrassed and felt so stupid!, partly because I was in shock and partly because it just hurt so damn much!
By the time the chemist came over I was in that stage of crying where you're making those embarrassing sobbing noises. The ladies at the chemist were so nice, one even said "We'll take care of you", bless her! The chemist himself looked like he didn't know what to do with a girl crying in the middle of his shop. He seemed impressed with what I'd managed to do to myself though! The first thing he told me was "You really need to have it under cold water"... did he think I was an idiot? Everyone knows that. Gritting my teeth, I told him "I've already tried that." Did he not understand the amount of pain I was in? I was standing there crying in front of everyone, with my name badge from work on and everything, just in case anyone missed me. Then he couldn't make up his mind with what cream to give me. At that point I think I would have taken anything, paid any price just to have the pain subside a little. Oh, and the best part? He told me as I was leaving (without my dignity) "It's likely to get worse before it gets any better. But imagine people who have third degree burns to two-thirds of their body. Now you get a sense of what that's like". Okay, thanks.
My poor manager nearly had a heart attack as I came back to work, eyes red and puffy from crying and my hands looking mutilated. I thought her eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets when I told her what happened. She gave me strict instructions to sit out the back- the scene of the crime- and kept coming in every five minutes to ask "are you alright?" She said she thought she was going to come in and find me passed out on the floor or something! Even though I kept reassuring her I was okay, it did hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to collapse or anything...
I had to wait for Mum to leave work and come and pick me up since I couldn't drive. I had to give her one of those phone calls... I think it started off like "Mum? I'm in a bit of a situation..." Who knows what she thought!
I've since learnt the power of the ring and pinky fingers! I look a bit retarded trying to do anything that requires the use of my hands... I can't put my hair in a ponytail... or pour a cup of tea... or open any jars. And I'm definitely wary of microwaves. Last night one of my friends said to me "So how was the pumpkin soup?". I did actually get around to eating it... it was cold but I didn't fancy putting it in the microwave again!
Some pictures so you get the idea... although the affected areas are taped up so you can't really see how bad it is.
Left hand... 2 fingers out of action.
Right hand... top half of my palm all blistered.
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