Sorry for being so slack in updating lately... there's nothing "blog-worthy" going on at the moment. Well, a lot of stress related to uni assignments (seriously, for one of my Psych subjects I have to write 2x 2000 word essays and ONLY 1 of them gets marked! Is that not the most ludicrous thing you've ever heard! They're flipping a coin to decide which one gets marked...!)
But I digress... I guess I'll answer the questions I've been asked the most:
How are my burns?
My skin is peeling... it's gross. Kinda like sunburn but it feels different. The new skin is pretty red, so I'm trying to leave the old burnt skin on for as long as possible. My fingers look like pieces of meat, burnt and brown around the edges and raw and pink in the middle! It's also very itchy, especially on my stomach. But at least the pain and stinging has totally gone. Is that too much information?!
Uni is kicking my butt at the moment. I've only got 6 weeks left before the end of the semester, but then comes exams... ewww! Being the middle of semester, now is when all my assessments are due. Luckily burning one's body has some benefits... like getting extensions on essays! Not that I'm recommending it to anyone!
And finally, I've got a bit of an obsession with a new game I made up... it's nameless. Basically you ask the players (usually no more than 1 or 2 people) to make a choice between 2 options... The point is to be totally random, eg. Rod Stewart or Neil Diamond? Peanut Butter or Vegemite? North or South island? (These are questions I have asked Mum in real life). It's quite fun, people surprise you with their answers, for example Mum would pick Phil Collins to see in concert over Rod Stewart, Neil Diamond AND The Eagles! Go figure!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
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