Sunday, September 7, 2008

The sights of Sydney

*** the dress that I'm wearing in these photos has since been ruined (and it was my favourite!) because I burnt myself again last Tuesday (yes, with the microwave again), this time all over my stomach which now has a lovely red raw hourglass shape burn right in the middle. Neil, in his effort to help, took the dress and the blue tea towel I used to mop up the spilt macaroni and cheese and soaked them. Together. So, my lovely cream dress is now blue. Needless to say, he's buying me a replacement. Not happy Jan.

We went to the city today, it was such a beautiful day after a week of nasty cold weather. We ventured out to the Rocks for lunch and then walked around the harbour.

Alicia's Top 5 Things of what she loves about Sydney Harbour:
1. praline cashew nuts and choc hazelnut fudge at the Rocks Markets
2. Gelatissimo by the harbour front
3. (a non-food thing!) the beautiful weather- sunshine, azure blue skies
4. The Bridge and the Opera House of course!
5. all the tourists taking photos and thinking to myself how lucky I am to live in Sydney :)

My very own buildings (My initials are A.M.P. in case you missed it!)

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