Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Claryse's Birthday

Tonight we went out for dinner for Claryse's 20th birthday. "We" being Keisha, Claryse & myself, as Laura & Elise are off on church camp.

If you've read my twitter updates, you will know about my search for the perfect cupcakes. Mum found some that passed the grade, and so I took them with my under the guise of being part of the present I had for Claryse. Towards the end of the night, I was trying to come up with ways to slip the cupcakes to the waitress without Claryse noticing it. Eventually I moved my handbag to the chair across from my and then quickly shuffled the cupcake bag to the counter and gave it to the waitress. I thought for sure Claryse would have noticed, as it was hardly subtle!

However when they came over with said cupcakes - sparklers, Happy Birthday song and all!- she was very surprised!

Apparently she didn't even notice, she just thought I was being an idiot moving my handbag. Anyway, it was very cool. I don't get many moments of stealth-ness, so needless to say everyone was pretty impressed- even the people at the table next to ours!

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