Monday, July 19, 2010

Iceskating- at Bondi Beach!

Yesterday, Chelsea and I went iceskating - at Bondi Beach!!

The foreshore had been turned into a European alpine ski lodge as part of the Sydney Winter Festival, and the main attraction was the huge icerink set up behind the sand!

Despite being the first day back at school for most kids, the place was packed!

Chels and I hurriedly put on our iceskates (which was harder than we thought, since the last time we went iceskating together we were little kids and our Dad did them up for us!) and then got onto the rink as fast as we could!

The icerink was pretty crowded, so we had a few near misses with other skaters, but neither of us ever fell down! We were pretty proud of our skill!

The beautiful Bondi Beach in the background-

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