Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Favourite Aussie Foods

In honour of it being Australia Day tomorrow... and as I sit here trying to fit EIGHT boxes of Madura English Breakfast Tea in to my suitcase because it's the one thing my Dad always requests that I bring whenever I fly up to visit- well, that and Darrell Lea licorice...

I thought I'd show you all some of my favourite Aussie foods. Quintessential Australian food and drink that I'd HAVE to take with me if I ever moved overseas.

Milo - This would have to be my Number 1 favourite. I drink it hot or cold, with milk. Yummy!

Vegemite - Foreigners always seem to HATE this when they try it, but that's because they eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon, and that is just WRONG! You've got to firstly put heaps of butter or margarine on some bread and then spread a very thin layer of Vegemite on top. Yum! I can taste the salty goodness right now as I type this.

Tim Tams - I couldn't call myself an Aussie if I didn't mention these!

Ovalteenies - These are little chocolate malt flavoured candies, made from the powdered drink Ovaltine, which tastes a bit like Milo or Nesquik. When I was a kid we used to put them on our tongues and suck them until there was nothing left!

Allen's Red Frogs - Irresistible lollies, with just the right amount of chewiness, and you could never stop at just one.

Sunny Boys - These are flavoured water iceblocks that are in cone shaped packaging. We used to eat them all the time in Summer.

Space food sticks - I used to have these in my school lunch box every single day! They're a soft but firm chewy chocolate or caramel bar.

Cottee's Cordial - Apple Raspberry was always my favourite.

- chewy chocolate caramel lollies with a celebrity Who Am I on the wrapper.

Killer Pythons - a long snake shaped chewy lolly we used to buy for 20c each out of the jar at fish and chip shops.

Paddlepops - I liked both banana and chocolate flavours - never a fan of the rainbow one though!

Burger Men - These were my choice whenever I had some money to spend at the school canteen- kind of like a tangy flavoured crunchy rice flour crisp, in the shape of a man. Sounds weird, I know.

Of course, the list could go on forever... I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention Lamingtons, Pavlova, Weetbix, Iced Vo-Vo's, Meat pies, Minties, Crunchie bars, Twisties...

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Some great Aussie foods there. I can't go too far past the Tim Tams myself! Especially the double coated ones.